martes, 14 de junio de 2016

A Child

A child, 
a ball of dough
must be raised to 
achieve success.

                      Mac. McGoven.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I think that your poem is very nice eventhoght it's short, it let me a teaching about the amazing that is the childood and the importance in the boys and the big things they can do.
    The childood is the most beautiful stage in life no problems, no worries in this stage the life is easier than difficult there is only fun and smiles, and also exists the curiosity of discovering the world of grow faster and become adults to do things that at this stage are prohibited.
    I recomended my poem called Child By Kaiser it is short and interesting you will like it!!!!!

  3. In my personal opinion, I don´t like this poem. It isn't good because I think that some people don´t understand and it's very short eventhough I interpreted as if the childen liked a ball of dough, but I supposed that it´s excellent for children.

    I recomended "IF", it is a poem about oneself, it gives some advices andn how to understand humane nature. Also it advises on how to be patient and how to deal with daily situations, to remain calm and content with oneself, no matter the difficulties that we are faced with. The poem ‘IF’ is a truly beautiful poem that you can go back to time and time again because you are an intelligent person and I considered this poem is related with our life.
